The following examples are retouching projects that went above & beyond. Some had those intentions from the beginning, others quickly went that way as the image progressed. I hope you enjoy them, and perhaps more importantly, I hope you have some ideas that you want my help with. And now without further ado, the WampMade © collection.
PLEASE Note and USE the <SLIDERS> to see Before & After images. Best viewed on a desktop!
Here’s the AD’s simple sketch, a quick idea that turned into quite the party!

COVID necessitated this Chili’s social media post in the summer of ’21. The sketch makes it look like this would be a simple project, but if you knew about the hundreds of images captured?! This simple sketch was a WHOLE day at the pool… And just keeping track of the reflections was a job on it’s own.

Here is a exquisite example of an item that is hard to capture and properly show off. Aaron Smith crafted this awesome piece of custom wearable art, but as you can see it needed more POP! Go to his site if you want to see these images even bigger. I’ve loaded bigger images to my site in the past, but they take much longer to load and many devices have trouble showing/sizing them properly. I forget how spoiled I am with my large monitor and a magnifying glass sometimes.

When it comes to stock photos that feature multiple models that aren’t family, 99% of them usually cover quite a few ethnicities. It’s a rarity to find ones that don’t follow that rule, and just to my clients luck, the one photo that had a bunch of hands reaching for one, was ALL WHITE. She of course needed diversity. Well presto-change-o, the magic of many races was retouched on. Some of those models were Scandinavian translucent white!

Sporty stock photo? Check! Impossibly Rendered Stadium with added atmospheric clouds? Check! Now just make them all GO together. WampCheck ©

David Chasey shot one of our Pantone flip books, and then I covered and adjusted almost all of it. Let me tell you, it would have been horrid, if I did not have that original photo. I needed the photo for those colors that run down the edges, as well as references for the real cast shadows. It made this retouched image more believable. And I think it would even be a great idea as a real tool!?

This rug ad didn’t have a professional photographer. It also didn’t have a budget for a professional retoucher. I both shot and retouched this ad MANY moons ago. I think the experience was so much fun, it lead to my current career. Unfortunately I don’t have the original paint roller image as I created this before I archived all my Photoshop work, but I assure you it would make the end product even more impressive. Thanks again Tom! Oriental Rug Gallery of Texas another one of my favorite clients.

This one is pretty self explanatory. But please notice the work on the horse’s head. Often times, the black color range are the trickiest colors to work with out there. I’m also assuming you have a well tuned monitor to see the adjustments!? It’s an ad for CeeCoach in case you were wondering, which didn’t print as a muddy black mess with my adjustments.

Four differently lit images were used to create this sherlockian library scene. Besides the lone lamp’s now spotlight, be sure and notice the dog in the background. Once the leash was removed (not a quick or easy feat), the back leg and spine had to be adjusted downward. He looked like he was taking a leaping pee on the rug. In case you were wondering, the image was for Simple Solutions pet stain remover.

This used to be a MORE odd image seeing how it was PRE-COVID. It was touting Simple Solution’s non-toxic, pet friendly, house cleaner formulas. The entire white washed atmospherically blurry background was three different images. They were blurred and color corrected to feel similar. The mask and alternate dog head were used to make the mask somewhat “fit” on his snout. Even though everything about a masked dog is impossible, they barely had enough images to make this shot possible. I think they should have tried to photograph the dog with a mask on, even if it was for pure comedic purposes. It would be more humane than some pet lovers pet’s Halloween costumes.

The tourism hub, that is Branson Missouri, wanted to show off many of their attractions in one large ad collage. Yes, the family is orange, but also notice the boat’s reflection/extension in the water at sunset and all the meticulous clipping on every shot: the Vegas Strip style street scene, the boat’s smoke stacks, the track & people on the coaster, and everybody’s HAIR!

Dr Pepper & Carl’s Jr. were doing some fun tasting events. This image was for participants that pretended to jump a skateboard on a green screen. The two images were merged together and printed out for the participant as a keep sake. The brick wall and the asphalt were shot by me, after a few too many exhaustive stock searches. Sometimes I just have to get things done unconventional ways.

AT&T needed some images for their internal stock catalog, but their problem was that the phone was the only thing that can be branded. I created fake credit cards and checkout apps, while retaining the real reflections on the cards and screen.

Another example of an image that was made from MANY other stock photos. …Resisting ohh-so many golfing puns… Quick, I need a diversion! Thanks Choctaw Casino and latitude.